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Treat Yourself Naturally Pain Relief – Content of Home Page

Treat Yourself Naturally

Treat Yourself Naturally Pain Relief is a resource for self treatment of pain resulting from overuse, repetitive use, exercise, trauma and injury. Treat Yourself Naturally Pain Relief is done by you, at home. You will learn how to take charge of your own pain relief and begin to enjoy wellness, balance, increased energy, increased range of motion and better fitness.

Jenny Sprung, Lean Into Healing, Treat Yourself NaturallyLean Into Healing

Lean Into Healing. My intention is that this website serve as a helpful reference source…a place where you can learn about efficient and effective methods for treating yourself naturally. It is subjective. I share what I do for myself, and what is appropriately recommended to my family, friends, patients and clients, and what works!

Freedom from pain, Wellness, Empower yourself to healLive Pain Free

Reduce body pain and discomfort by learning how to treat yourself naturally at home. Treat painful trigger points by using your hands and easy-to-find tools. Information on how to do this is provided in videos and articles. They are designed to enhance alternative therapeutic efforts. Consequently, you will be able to live pain free, recover from injuries, creating emotional balance and LIVE WELL.

Faustian Bargain, Lloyd Fisher talks about pain reliefLiving Well

Living well, and specifically, living well over 40 is the teaching objective. Information shared is based on detailed research successfully used in my practice. Continued observations in the 35+ years of experience along with hands-on work in the fields of anatomy study, wellness education, fitness programs with strong focus on massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy, Zero Balancing, Myofascial and Lymph Drainage have allowed me to develop and offer you these proven ideas. Therefore, you can use these ideas to reach your goals of Living Well.

Intimate Chakra Healing, Lust, Laughter, Fantasy, Love and HealingEducation and Knowledge are Empowering

Education and knowledge are empowering. A main purpose of this site is service and assistance that will empower you to achieve optimal health and wellness. Most importantly, you can amplify healing by incorporating these therapeutic options into a natural pain relief program. Used wisely and appropriately, the therapeutic options introduced to you on this website will supplement and amplify positive results that are obtained from alternative therapies of Integrative NeurosomaticTherapy, Zero Balancing, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Manual Manipulation and Acupuncture. Educate yourself and Treat Yourself Naturally.

Women's Health - How to be a Healthy Woman Now, and Beyond the Age of 40

Tune Into the Body’s Magic

Your body is magical! The body desires proper alignment and balance. By using these home treatment options you will help to restore and maintain proper body alignment, balance, efficient bio mechanics and energy flow. Inside all of us is a healer. Activate that healer and you can reduce pain, increase range of motion, improve digestion much more ! Lean into this special healing process. TUNE INTO THE BODY’S MAGIC and you will certainly feel better.


Grounding and Taking time to yourself, enjoying the pause, resting the body creates wellness, reduces anxiety and lifts the spiritTune In To Your Body Mind and Spirit

Tune in to your body. Consult with your physician and work with trained professionals, but also listen to your SELF. Treat yourself naturally pain relief can enhance and amplify the work received by professionals. We will explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Mental components to body pain with professional contributors and through a series of articles. Finally, we will put the articles and the videos together to reduce pain, increase range of motion, increase strength, flexibility, energy and endurance.

Various tools, foam rollers and balls can be used on the neck and pelvic area to alleviate painful trigger points and fascia

Amplify Alternative Therapies

There are many alternative therapies. What works for one, may or may not work for others. Neurosomatic Massage Therapy, Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy, Structural Therapy, Zero Balancing, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chiropractic and many other hands-on therapies yield powerful results. These results can be amplified when you treat yourself naturally. You can release fascia creating space. Similarly, you can increase your range of motion and decrease painful trigger points.

Low Back Pain ReliefSafe Treatment

Everyone is different. Therefore, check with your physician and, intuitively, yourself, to be sure the ideas, activities and treatments are safe and right for you. This website is a service and a sharing of my personal experiences. These experiences are based on successful treatment of clients in my Neurosomatic Massage and Zero Balancing practice and my years of teaching and working with some of the most “in tune”, highly educated, well trained, innovative and effective therapists. This is not medical advice. Consult your physician before trying anything offered on this website. Thank you and let’s get started!


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