Integrative Neurosomatic Massage Therapy is structural therapy.
![Skeletal structure and energetic healing can occur when you treat yourself naturally at home](
Who is your Structural Therapist?
Integrative Neurosomatic Massage Therapy is structural therapy. It is an integrated manual therapy. First, the therapist identifies structural and bio mechanical pattern that cause pain. Second, precise measurement and analysis of structure, posture, movement and gait are completed. Then specific protocol is followed to alleviate structural distortions, resulting in reduced pain and discomfort. Neurosomatic Massage Therapy addresses the five stages of rehabilitation.
The Five Stages of Rehabilitation
- Eliminate Muscle Spasm
- Restore Flexibility
- Restore Proper Bio mechanics
- Increase Muscle Strength
- Increase Muscular Endurance
Posture, Gait, Structure, Balance, Flexibility, Strength, Healing
Integrative Neurosomatic Massage Therapy educates the patient/client how to prevent a recurrence of injury. Healing and Treatment results can be amplified, if patient/client learns how to release some of these Trigger Points and Painful Mysofascia through proper use of foam rollers, tennis balls, self massage techniques, rest, ice, heat and epsom salt baths.
NST or Neurosomatic Therapy successfully treats these conditions
- Knee Pain
- Sciatica
- Breathing
- Colic
- Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Disc Herniations
- Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
- Leg Length Inequality
- Hip Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Whiplash
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Migraine
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Sports Related Injuries
- Work Related Injuries
- Overuse Injuries
- Repetitive Use Injuries
Benefits of Neurosomatic Massage Therapy Treatment
Proper assessment, knowledgeable massage therapy and specific bodywork protocol and techniques assist in affecting positive musculoskeletal, vascular and neurological changes. These positive changes integrate and balance body systems, heal soft tissue, improve posture, gait and mobility, preserve joints, increase circulation, strength, immune system and reduce stress and anxiety.
How Many Treatments
How many treatments will you need? Here is a video presented by Kevin Wade, LMT, a senior therapist at the St. John Clark Pain Treatment Center and a founder of the Center for Neurosomatic Therapy.
A great place to check out additional information about pain relief is St. John/Clark Pain Treatment Center. Here is Randall Clark, LMT, owner, senior therapist at St. John Clark PTC and a founder of the Center for Neurosomatic Studies, in Clearwater Florida presenting one of their many informational and educational videos on you tube.
Stimulate Lymph Flow, Release Endorphins, Reduce Spasms,
Increase Flexibility, Reduce Pain
NST is efficient and effective therapy. As a result, it can enhance sleep quality, decrease anxiety, increase energy, improve concentration, increase circulation, alleviate low back pain, assist athletes in pre and post preparation, increase joint flexibility, improve the condition of the body’s largest organ-the skin, reduce post surgical scars, adhesions and swelling, relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
Reveal Structural Imbalances
Structural imbalances are revealed by looking at the body as a structural entity, Neurosomatic Massage Therapists get to the root of persistent problems. Analysis is designed to reveal structural and muscular imbalances. The therapist then administers techniques, including massage, stretching, and strengthening to restore the body’s balance. This anatomical approach is the hallmark of this treatment and sets us apart from traditional pain treatment.
Here is a long time friend, mentor and teacher, Tracy Jones, founder of Premier Pain Relief discussing Pain Relief.
Interested? To learn more about becoming an Integrative Neurosomatic Therapist visit the link below.
The Center for Neurosomatic Studies